Feeling whole again-after breast cancer

Breast cancer patients find themselves navigating a whole new world, even after successful treatment. How can you get back to looking and feeling your best after you’ve just been through so much?

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a good time to talk about some of those details. Following surgery — whether for a single or double mastectomy — you and your medical team may determine that breast reconstruction is right for you.

Here’s where Permanent Makeup plays an important role. Permanent Makeup, also known as micro-pigmentation, cosmetic or paramedical tattoo, can be used to recolor the areola and nipple area after breast reconstruction, giving you a more natural look.

  • With a single mastectomy, we work to match the color and size of the existing areola.
  • With a double mastectomy, we can help you design the areola color and placement.
  • Scarring can also be camouflaged with permanent makeup techniques.

Best of all, the technology behind Permanent Makeup lets us achieve some amazing and very realistic outcomes that appear 3D!

Here are a few queries about using Permanent Makeup for Areola Repigmentation that many patients have:

Will my insurance cover this procedure?

Yes! Most insurance plans cover Areola Repigmentation because it is considered part of the overall medical treatment for breast cancer.

Will it hurt?

Most patients don’t experience pain. Topical anesthetics are used to keep you comfortable throughout the procedure.

How do you find the right person to do Areola Repigmentation?

Areola Repigmentation should be performed by a trained and highly qualified permanent makeup professional. Select a professional permanent cosmetic specialist who is a member of the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals (SPCP), the worldwide association dedicated to professional practice in the field. You’ll also want to meet with the practitioner you’re considering to review actual client photos and ask questions. Never select a permanent makeup professional based solely on who has the lowest price; this isn’t a procedure you want to bargain shop for.

After Areola Repigmentation, many patients share that they feel whole again. If you or someone you love is a breast cancer survivor, this Permanent Makeup procedure is worth considering to enhance your confidence and help you completely recover from your challenging journey.

Cheryl Lohman,CPCP of Oregon Permanent Makeup is an Oregon Licensed Permanent Makeup Artist and Esthetician, and is a Lifetime Member in the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals. For more information you can reach her at 541-740-1639 or visit her website at www.OregonPermanentMakeup.com.